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    When Superman is not you BFF

    When Superman is not you BFF

    To re-cap from the last post….. Screw Jacks are great tool when you want to lift something very heavy, and Superman is not you friend. Screw Jacks come with many optional essential pieces; you might need for your application, so the Ordering Form you send us back is extremely important. This form also helps the sales department  give you a correct price the first time, and you are not yelling at them when the price changes, so please don’t make the sales people here emotional, and then we have to give them a pity party, and a snickers bar, so just fill out the form, and email it back LOL. These are precise parts that can work in tandem with each other, so you don’t end up like the Wicked Witch of the West, because, unless you have flying monkeys, you might not survive a house falling on you. There are numerous Screw Jack sizes to fit every application, one does NOT FIT ALL, and this is why you NEED us. That being said, when you need a Screw Jack, and you will one day, we will be extremely hurt if you don’t call us first! We look forward to hearing from you soon, and this concludes Screw Jack week.

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