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    Magnetic Couplings, and why you need them.

    Magnetic Couplings, and why you need them.

    Your machine is running , the job is coming along nicely, then BAM, something gets caught up, and the coupling attached to your motor now grinds to a halt, and destroys the other attachments. Now the job is at a standstill, you are cursing and yelling, and nobody wants to come near you. You know what could have prevented that? A Magnetic Coupling!! If there is ever a stop in the machine, since the couplings don’t touch each other, there is an almost zero change of a breakdown because of a coupling issue. You know what else is cool about these couplings? Because of its simple flat design, you can have angular misalignment of up to 3º or parallel misalignment up to ¼” and still transmit nearly full rotational torque. WOO HOO for misalignment!!! Wanna know more about these simple little pieces of heaven, call us and we will tell you all about them. Or click here to learn more

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